What exactly does the murder of the CEO of United Healthcare signify?
Have the first shots of the GLOBAL REVOLUTION been fired? Could it be the first “drops” of a “storm” that, once it breaks, will “drown” everything?
In the small “village”, in which we all now live, everything concerns us equally! Whatever happens on the planet —wherever it may occur— concerns everyone, because we now live in a “small” globalized society of billions of people. Populations have grown, but due to common circumstances, the data affecting them has been simplified. A business closes in Germany, and workers in Greece are worried …A law changes in the USA, and it affects production across the entire Western World. What do we mean by this? …Shots were fired, and the CEO of a huge American multinational insurance company was killed, yet the social reaction in the USA and the rest of the world was not what the ruling class would have desired! …The death of the “successful” and “polished” New World Order “elite” stirred NO ONE!

This particularly worrying phenomenon for those in power is why we write this article …We are NOT interested in the criminal aspect of this tragic incident. That is the job of others. Whether he was killed by a betrayed husband, an accomplice —since he was under investigation for stock fraud in his company— or even an alien, is not our concern! What concerns us and what we will attempt to interpret is the social phenomenon that manifested due to this death …The phenomenon that revealed prevailing trends among people in the USA and worldwide.
Reading comments on social media regarding this particular murder, we couldn’t help but notice the following oddity: …NOWHERE, for ANY reason, did we detect even the slightest trace of sympathy toward him. The overwhelming majority of the comments were negative …Absolutely negative! …They contained hostility toward the victim, not as a person, but as a representation of what he stood for. This man simply became the “face” of certain companies that the public, apparently, despises. Beyond that, other collateral phenomena unfolded, which more or less we all observe in our daily lives.
The time when people admired the rich and successful, viewing them as role models, seems to have passed irrevocably! The time when people sought —out of admiration and envy— to pore over their luxurious mansions in glossy magazines or marvel at their supercars is gone for good! Such images of provocative wealth now only provoke anger in a society literally starving. These people have now taken on the identity of “enemies of society” …“Antisocial elements” who, in their pursuit of profit, stop at nothing …Especially after scandals like those of Epstein and Puff Daddy, where it was revealed that many of these “successful” individuals —who steal, kill, and recently “vaccinate” entire societies for profit— do not hesitate to assault even the children of these societies.

For this reason, an individual unknown to the general public, who at the very least as a human with a tragic ending should evoke some “trace” of sympathy, failed to stir ANYONE. What overshadowed everything was his status, role, and compensation …and society showed a very harsh face toward him, even without knowing him personally. Everyone, in their comments, overlooked the human aspect of the matter and attacked with real fury what this man represented …The inhumane, ruthless, and greedy clique of multinational medical insurance companies, of which the company of the murdered executive was a prominent member.
At the same time, we cannot ignore that for some people, the killer himself appears as a new kind of “Robin Hood” …A social avenger …A revolutionary with purpose and reason …Someone who wants to “write” his own history with bullets …Bullets “signed” with inscriptions such as “deny”, “defend”, and “depose”. These words are now widely used in the war rhetoric between desperate citizens and the health multinationals …Against the giants plundering “health” and who, in an utterly fascist manner, leave their “clients” to die helpless at home …and their relatives to follow them into financial ruin!
For some reason, some of our fellow human beings have begun to feel like they are living in the medieval era of the real Robin Hood …Helpless against modern “Sheriffs” of power who protect only their gangs …Helpless against the immensely powerful neo-feudal lords of multinationals, who respect nothing and no one …Against “superiors” who live in a parallel “universe” far removed from the problems and hardships troubling the working-class man …The “inferior” person …The person who, with nothing but their labor, can no longer survive …The person who trembles at the thought of illness because they will literally die on the street! If they do not die from the disease, they will perish from the financial ruin caused by their treatment. This society of modern “plebeians” is what penned the “venomous” comments about a “praetorian” of the New Order who was murdered in the middle of the street …A neo-feudal lord of a corrupt “State” —like England during the absence of Richard the Lionheart— which had fallen prey to its usurpers and corrupt Sheriffs of Nottingham. That’s what this is about.
Thompson was a genuine representative of the neo-feudalism of the New Order …A chosen one of the modern “Nottingham”, headquartered in corrupt Washington. He was the CEO of an insurance company that, in 2023 alone, generated revenues of $271 billion! A staggering sum that, to be understood, must be compared to similar figures. Within a year, this private company’s revenue matched the total public debt of a plundered and over-indebted Greece when it reached a complete inability to meet its obligations. The annual revenue of this company was the sum that drove an entire country into a Memorandum state. Thompson was the CEO of an insurance company employing about 140,000 people. For these services, he received a compensation package last year worth $10.2 million —a combination of a $1 million cash base salary and the remainder in company shares—. And yet, as leaked information shows, this greedy man was not satisfied with this money! …He wanted more! In a world starving, he wasn’t content with these millions and “played” games with the shares of the company he managed …Games at the expense of investors and, of course, shareholders. For this reason, he was under the scrutiny of the Department of Justice. If this man didn’t “respect” his collaborators, who had so much money to share among themselves, would he respect his clients, whom he perceived as enemies?
As we understand it, the harsh and ruthless behavior of insurance companies, combined with the greed of this specific “successful” industry CEO, left little room for “sympathy”. The American people, in response to this murder, expressed anger toward the predatory insurance companies that, through greedy executives, “sell” “help”, “understanding”, “support”, and “humanity”, while in reality, they rob and mock the people who need these things. In the most difficult moments of people’s lives, these companies not only fail to provide support but show their most callous face. For money, they value nothing and no one! Everyone recalled a loved one who “faded away” helpless, waiting for medications and treatments that were never provided because “successful” executives like the murdered one sought high profits to “impress” their company’s shareholders and justify increases in their earnings.
Once upon a time…
Like all the miseries that trouble today’s globalized society of the New Order, so too did those concerning the health sector begin in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Why is this important? …Because this change was an unprecedented and colossal development that required other types of social changes to manifest. It wasn’t a change that could occur on its own—it was a “side effect” and thus the result of other changes! For thousands of years, human health and pharmacology were collective endeavors, both for individual nations and humanity as a whole. Humanity contributed its collective “strength” to confront the great “enemy” of its mortal members: illness and death. Everyone collectively celebrated the “triumphs” of Fleming, Banting, and Best, who gave humanity additional “breaths” of life. Penicillin, insulin, and paracetamol became universal “achievements” shared with humanity to help them.
For developed nations, providing high-quality health services to their citizens was a field where their strength and quality were judged. General progress and, of course, the civilization of governance systems were evaluated —among other things— by the results they achieved in this universal “battle”. People shared knowledge to “cultivate” and develop it since the enemy was a common one. SUDDENLY, all this changed! Health began to privatize. The knowledge of pharmacology —considered a universal human know-how accumulated over centuries— started transforming into private properties of individuals who became magnates, exploiting human suffering like common extortionists.
For some reason, private interests began overpowering public ones! Even the public sector of powerful national states, which until then was the ultimate “showcase” of their success, started to be abandoned, looted, and eventually “die”. Until then, private interests COULD NOT infiltrate and threaten public health systems. Small private interests COULD NOT compete with a massive giant that required state funds and the cooperation of many and varied scientific —and non-scientific— fields to operate. They COULD NOT compete with a mechanism drawing resources from the state, enormous sums from the insurance contributions of millions of workers, the free involvement of universities, and ties to the military defense needs of each nation.
The public health sector was a powerful “elephant” that didn’t need “protection” to roam among the small “foxes” of the private sector, which, no matter how predatory they were, COULD NOT threaten it. The fact that this “elephant” was “herbivorous” didn’t mean it was endangered by the “foxes” just because they were “carnivorous” …The “elephant” didn’t even consider the “foxes” a threat. All this mysteriously changed in the ’60s and ’70s. SUDDENLY, private individuals emerged with enough money to enter all those fields monopolized by the state until then simply because the scales were massive. One of these fields was the insurance system. SUDDENLY, private companies appeared, financially able to make fewer demands on citizens and offer them more than the state itself. SUDDENLY —out of nowhere— private individuals emerged with enough money to compete with state funds managing contributions from tens of millions of workers …Private individuals capable of providing expensive services —while theoretically seeking profit— at a time when the state offered only basic services, and even those at a loss!

How can this “mystery” be explained? Were the private individuals so “smart” and the state and its officials so foolish? What happened then that changed things so dramatically? Why are the ’60s and ’70s so significant in a universal history spanning thousands of years? What changed then, causing centuries-old practices to transform within a few years? …What happened then was that society “fell ill”! The changes in social functioning we saw were side effects of a great social “illness”. Just as an illness immobilizes an athlete who had been running until that moment, so too did society’s “illness” alter its functioning up to that point. The athlete’s immobility wasn’t by choice but a side effect of their illness!
That’s exactly what happened in those “dark” decades. The “illness” first appeared in the USA and then began spreading across the planet like a modern “pandemic”. What happened then? …The USA “flooded” with drugs! It was then that drugs appeared —and at the level that interests us— drug money …The endless money from drugs! …The dirty drug money …The money that anyone capable of laundering could use to not just get rich but become an economic “monster”. Who were those capable of doing this? …The bankers’ loan sharks! …The loan sharks of American banks, who, due to the political power of the USA, were practically unchecked and could influence global society …The “beasts” of Wall Street, who until then thrived as “parasites” off the “health” of a productive economy but from that point onwards began acting like “vampires”, thriving off the super-profits that the “death” of society provided.
It’s simple arithmetic. When the percentage retained by “laundries” of “dirty” money is around 70% or 80%, we understand the monstrous economic scales we’re talking about. Money laundering leads to new laundering needs and —more importantly— the super-profits it generates, as they are not connected to any healthy productive activity, accumulate like a useless “abscess” in the economy …And, because this money doesn’t have its natural place for reinvestment, it searches for other outlets. This “laundered” and accumulated money must find new “spaces” for reinvestment to deflate and prevent the “bubble” it causes from “bursting”. At that time, an unprecedented design for the era was required so that this money —and its holders— could “hide”, entering the legal economy without “disrupting” the healthy and lawful economic operation. The bankers, “overloaded” with “laundered” money, needed space to “unload” it. The result is what we still see dominating the economy today. It was then that the “scourge” of privatizations began! …The privatizations of everything, which “defused” the tremendous pressures created by the immense profitability of drugs. These loan sharks, who “laundered” this money, were “baptized” as “Anonymous Investor Funds” and left unchecked to sweep through every sector!
By corrupting the country’s political personnel, they conquered EVERYTHING. They bought out arms industries, which then sparked wars to secure new profits from new clients. They bought automotive industries, which “sealed off” entire subway networks to sell their cars. They bought land around cities and “pushed” populations into wooden “settlements” in the suburbs to sell endless mortgages. They purchased factories simply to shut them down, profiting from imports of cheap products produced under “slavery” conditions! Among the sectors they conquered was the health sector. They wouldn’t leave such a strategically significant sector unaffected by their predatory mania—a sector that placed society at their mercy …A sector that, out of desperate patients’ desire to survive, could demand anything it wanted!

It was then that private insurance companies were established in the form we know today. Imagine that until 1973, profit-seeking from medical services was banned in the USA! …It was strictly prohibited, as it was considered a criminal felony. All this changed with a law passed by the corrupt Nixon to serve his friend Edgar Kaiser, president of Kaiser Permanente. The “Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973” overturned everything! That’s when the entire behavior of the US health system changed, along with that of private insurance companies. That’s when hospitals, clinics, doctors, etc., were allowed to profiteer in a sector where profiteering had been strictly forbidden. Everyone set up “shops” within the American health system, turning it into “booty” for insurers, who would now also be subsidized by the state for its “dismantling”. Coincidentally, the first company subsidized by Nixon was that of his financier and “buddy” …A company that not only still exists but thrives, thanks to public funds and exploitation of the American people …A company with 40 large hospitals, 616 medical centers, and over 300,000 staff, including 98,000 doctors and nurses …A profiteering “monster” in “health” whose revenue for 2023 exceeded $100 billion.

This was unprecedented …and it forever changed the healthcare system in the United States in favor of the insurance companies of loan sharks and at the expense of the American people! With a single signature, Nixon opened a massive “wound” in American society. Until then, these insurance companies were merely “parallel” banking services …limited to the financial sector and not involved in the medical service itself …They offered a little extra that might interest individuals with the financial means to afford it …For a modest fee, they promised their customers they could handle an unexpected expense caused by a sudden health emergency …They took money and gave money in return. It was an investment “game” without risk for the banks. Thanks to the existence of large public insurance funds, they had access to a “map” or guide to proceed with this give-and-take relationship with their clients. They knew from studies conducted by public funds the average health statistics of populations and their corresponding expenses.
They knew in advance the percentage of insured individuals paying premiums —most of whom rarely used health services— compared to those who actually needed them. In other words, they weren’t operating blindly. It was simple accounting that merely entered the healthcare space to “sell” a little extra to those who could afford it —a single room with a better bed for the wealthy or additional insurance for a worker feeling insecure about their health—. In this way, the U.S. healthcare system remained healthy and robust. As the “showcase” of capitalism, the state itself allowed private interests to “polish” it with minor adjustments. The American people truly lived the “American dream” and fearlessly looked to the future, with the state and its resources by their side. However, with changes achieved by some —due to a corrupt Nixon— everything transformed! The healthcare sector lost its defenses and became a massive “prize” open for exploitation …A “machine” for generating wealth “available” to interested parties …Wealth that was inexhaustible, as health is tied to a permanent and vital need of society, making it susceptible to exploitation.
That’s when the healthcare sector began attracting loan shark “money launderers” from the drug trade. These were the investor “founders” of the modern giant multinational insurance companies! They were the ones who took over the previously nonprofit U.S. healthcare system. It’s clear that the “conquest” of this “monster” would have been impossible without the equally “monstrous” money from drugs. With conventional funds from the productive economy, private investors couldn’t even approach these “beasts” …They would have remained “foxes” benefiting from the “leftovers” of the “elephant” without being able to challenge it. ONLY with the endless “cheap” money from drugs was the “conquest” of this space made possible!
It was only a matter of time before loan sharks targeted this space, as they desperately sought an area naturally capable of “absorbing” vast sums of money to function …A space where its very operation improves in direct proportion to these sums. Therefore, for loan sharks, it had the perfect characteristics for hiding their money while simultaneously appearing positive in the broader social framework. They found an ideal way to “invest” their “laundered” money—showing fictitious revenues that allowed them to turn the healthcare system itself into a “laundromat” for “dirty” money. The complete privatization of the healthcare system was ideal for them because it allowed them to establish a massive and entirely legal “machine” to launder their money while also presenting a respectable social profile.
Nixon’s law “saved” drug traffickers and loan shark bankers, as it handed them a new “Eldorado” on a platter. As bankers, they started from their familiar financial sector —insurance— and gradually moved toward healthcare services. With Nixon’s law allowing insurance companies to profit, they could “invest” in health insurance. If hospitals were allowed to profit, they could “invest” in acquiring hospitals. If pharmaceutical companies were allowed to profit, they could “invest” in acquiring pharmaceutical companies. The final result was and remains tragic! …Within a few years—and with the inexhaustible power of drug money—they bought everything! Controllers and controlled became the same people! Controllers and controlled set up an illegal “circle” of exploitation, excluding society from its defense mechanisms and subjecting citizens to the deadly blackmail of multinationals!
The SAME companies that pressure people to pay exorbitant premiums are simultaneously the owners of the hospitals providing medical services and the pharmaceutical companies selling the drugs needed for these services. The SAME people, as insurers, pay hospitals for the services provided to their clients, are ALSO the ones who, as hospital owners, determine hospital service costs, and are ALSO the ones who, as pharmaceutical company owners, set drug prices, which in turn influence hospital service costs, completing the circle where the SAME individuals decide the citizens’ premiums! The entire game is rigged against the citizens! Everything is decided in the offices of loan sharks without the knowledge of the citizens, who are practically defenseless. Everything happens under conditions where no authority or law can help the citizens!
The owners of insurance companies accept paying exorbitant medical service fees because the hospitals are THEIR OWN! Hospitals accept the exorbitant charges of pharmaceutical companies because the pharmaceutical companies are THEIR OWN! Ultimately, this entire expensive game is “charged” to the citizens, as they are the ones who will pay the exorbitant premiums imposed by the insurance companies, which own all of the above! Everyone becomes their hostage because they fear for their health. They are afraid to remain uninsured, even though they know the predatory policies of insurance companies that have deliberately made all health services inaccessible. Hospitals are prohibitively expensive for the uninsured, and medicines are also prohibitively expensive, making it impossible for anyone to pay for them out-of-pocket. There was a time when medicines didn’t exist, and people died helplessly because science couldn’t save them. Today, medicines exist, but people cannot afford to buy them and still die helplessly because of the INHUMAN demands of the LOAN SHARKS selling them!
All these SOCIAL CRIMINALS are not held accountable by ANYONE, and their greed continually increases the financial burden on citizens for things that were once considered basic necessities. Gradually, they bought out ALL the hospitals, leaving only emergency services for the homeless, destitute, and unfortunate—those who generate no revenue—for the state to handle. They bought out ALL the pharmaceutical companies, effectively “confiscating” centuries of universal pharmacological knowledge. Everything became a private monopoly, “sealed” against the interests of the people! Those who initially entered the healthcare space by luring clients away from public insurance funds with promises of better services now hardly provide any services at all —at multiplied costs for the state and society— and demand that citizens pay exorbitantly for everything as if they weren’t even insured.
The company of the murdered CEO is a “champion” of these types of predatory and absolutely antisocial policies. What does this mean in practical terms? …It means that it is a company seeking ABSOLUTE profit, trying in every way not to provide ANY services to its clients to reduce its costs …to deliver higher profits to its shareholders …To justify these profits, they offer enormous salaries to executives who generate these excessive profits —such as the deceased in this case—. But why do we call these immoral excess profits the result of greedy criminals? …To help the reader understand the massive outrage of American citizens that was triggered by the murder of the CEO of United Healthcare …To understand what kind of work this director did for the company and against society …To understand what he was going to say at the shareholders’ meeting on the day of his murder. He would have announced how many new ideas he had to leave even more patients helpless in their fight for survival to reduce the company’s expenses and thus increase their profits. He would have promised even greater profits at the expense of the insured, justifying a raise in his own compensation.
This was his job, and that’s why NO ONE felt sorry for him …This is why he rose at dawn to head to the Manhattan Hilton. He was going there to present his greedy “bosses” with even more ideas for even bigger profits …Simple work for a greedy criminal! …The work of a criminal who leaves people to die just to increase his already enormous profits …To buy another Lamborghini for his collection and another vacation home in some exotic destination. A completely unnecessary crime of greed since the way he decided to “serve” himself and the shareholders didn’t arise from the basic obligations of a typical director, whose role is to address the vital needs of an insurance company providing health services. If we assume that the vast majority of insured individuals will never suffer from a serious illness —and therefore will NEVER require any costly treatment— this alone ensures a reasonable profitability for insurance companies.

The overwhelming majority of the insured —in the worst-case scenario for the insurance company— might at some point require a minor expense for some insignificant injury or illness …A minor expense that, supposedly, the insurance company might be forced to pay, despite CONSISTENTLY collecting their premiums! This is allegedly the most significant expense for the company caused by a healthy insured person. Perhaps, somewhere, at some time, the company may have to pay a negligible amount. “No big deal” —and well within reason— one might say. However, this particular company didn’t even want to leave that “untouched”. This company, which allegedly collects premiums to pay for “EVERYTHING”, ensures that this “EVERYTHING” most often translates to a colossal “NOTHING”.
How is this done? …Through purely antisocial and discriminatory tactics. What do they do? …They devised the concept of the insured’s “deductible” in covering their own treatment costs! They even designed this deductible to be “front-loaded”! …Meaning, the patient pays FIRST, and THEN the insurance company! …They compel the insured to pay their share of expenses first, as the initial cost of their treatment. This deductible, however, is not a fixed, universal amount like a “flat fee”. Instead, it is a variable amount determined by the “algorithms” of various insurance plans chosen by the insured, based on the premiums they pay. This is why we call it antisocial behavior. The lower the premium the insured pays, the higher the initial expense they must cover themselves for their treatment.
If one considers, logically, that the poorer insured individuals seek the lowest premiums, it means they face higher initial contributions than wealthier ones. For example, a poor person paying a relatively low premium may be required to pay the first $7,000 of their treatment costs, with the insurance company allegedly covering the rest. If they are even poorer —and thus on a plan with an even lower premium— they may be required to pay the first $15,000 of their total treatment costs. In essence, poorer insured individuals are forced to find and pay money they don’t have, effectively HALTING their treatment efforts at the outset! Voluntarily and willingly, they avoid incurring “expenses” for the insurance company!
If we consider that, for the overwhelming majority of insured individuals who will never fall ill, this initial amount averages around $7,000, it’s easy to understand the “scam” …It’s easy to see how CEOs —like the one who met his end in Manhattan— bring superprofits to their companies …How the “EVERYTHING” magically and arbitrarily becomes a perfectly round “NOTHING”, given that —statistically— services at this level rarely exceed that amount. Clearly, this amount is not coincidental but rather calculated by insurance company algorithms through ongoing statistical analyses. Moreover, we mustn’t forget that these companies can manipulate statistics, as hospitals are THEIR OWN, and thus their accounting departments can easily “coordinate” with the insurance companies to “cap” their charges —in most minor procedures— just below the limits dictated by the insurance policies, leaving the insured to foot the bill entirely!
As if all this weren’t enough, the “ingenious” managers —like the one found lifeless in Manhattan— devised another “brilliant” idea: …If an expensive treatment is also long-term, it is not treated as a single issue …The patient’s deductible is not a one-time amount as previously described. Instead, each year, the patient must pay that deductible anew, as each year’s treatment costs are assessed independently. Practically speaking, the vast majority of the insured are uninsured! …They merely “purchase” the hope that, if the worst happens, they will theoretically have the means to address it, backed by the insurance company. Unfortunately, not even that holds true, thanks to the greed of the “successful” CEOs —like the one who “decorated” Manhattan’s filthy sidewalk—. If someone is unlucky enough to need costly treatments, they will face other problems …Problems with the law! …In addition to medical terms, they will begin to learn legal ones as well!

In such cases, these insurance companies “change their tune”! …They get aggressive! …They become threatening! Knowing they can only lose money on such insured individuals, they have no qualms about showing their harsh side, as they are unconcerned about displeasing and losing them. For “small” claims, they make the insured pay out of pocket; for “large” claims, they outright refuse to pay their share. This initiates another “crucifixion” for the insured, as the insurance companies begin their notorious “dirty tricks” …They will deploy the “successful” strategies crafted by their “successful” CEOs —the very policies “etched” on the assassin’s bullets— …They will claim deception due to preexisting conditions the insured allegedly failed to disclose …They will refuse to pay …They will delay payments indefinitely, as these companies —being “immortal” entities— have unlimited endurance, whereas patients and their families do not …They will drag the insured into costly legal battles, given they have the lawyers and financial resources to do so, against individuals already financially drained due to illness. Ultimately, the patient dies, and the problem resolves itself for the insurance company, free of charge.
The leader in REFUSING to fulfill its obligations is the company of the “late” CEO …with nearly double the denial rate of the industry average! What was the result of all this greed and malevolence from all the insurance companies, which merely culminated in the “corpse” of Thompson? …The explosion of outrage on social media …The flood of messages of sympathy and admiration for the assassin …Even we, who closely follow events, learned some things. What did we learn? …That insurance companies, with their greed, make people “sick”! …They drive them insane! …They lead them to despair! …They refuse to pay for the medications of the insured, who, unable to afford them on their own, effectively die helpless!
Unfortunately, this is the insurance “environment” currently offered by the “Superpower” to its citizens. Those who should be the most privileged citizens in the world are left at the mercy of the “hyenas” who exploit the American healthcare system. Most of them do not even receive poor healthcare services. Most of them are at the level of receiving NO services because they cannot even “initiate” their treatment efforts, unable to pay the upfront costs required. Even those who can manage to do so ultimately face financial ruin due to the exorbitant hospital charges. Fifty percent of families in the U.S. with a child suffering from cancer go bankrupt! All this left no room for sympathy for the deceased.
The usual suspects…
Based on everything described, it’s evident we are dealing with criminals …Real criminals of a real mafia! …Literally a mafia! For this reason, we traced the “birth” of this phenomenon. All of this began when the Jewish mafia, which blackmailed the cross-dresser Hoover and the FBI, “flooded” the U.S. with drugs and its economy with “dirty” money. From the moment they assassinated Kennedy and could permanently install their own man in the White House, it was only a matter of time before they took over. With the Vietnam War, they established a massive drug market with inexhaustible revenues, and from then on, their only concern was laundering money and “investing”.
With their wealth, they elected the President of their preference, and that President ensured that they had the means to grab even more money. Within a few years, the United States, from a serious state that cared for its citizens, had turned into a “jungle” of private interests that treated citizens as “prey”. It was only a matter of time before the “useful” Johnson for war would be succeeded by the “useful” Nixon for insurance policy. All of this began when Jewish mobsters imposed their own policies on the “puppets” of the White House. Those who blackmailed Hoover managed to place equally blackmailed Presidents in the “Oval Office”. Gradually, we reached the point where real human “trash” like Bush, Clinton, Obama, or Biden entered the White House. These individuals unhesitatingly started wars or funded the banks of usurers to plunder nations through inhumane Memorandums. Pedophiles and perverts, blackmailed by the usurers, signed whatever was placed before them. All of this stems from the inexhaustible profitability of narcotics!

This monstrous profitability and the unchecked “laundering” by the Zionist banks of Jewish usurers on Wall Street are the factors that led to today’s misery. This is how the current “gang” of Jewish money mobsters was created—the “gang” of Buffett, Soros, Blankfein, Bloomberg, Edelman, Fink, Schwarzman, Milken, Levine, and many other similar suit-wearing criminals. “What does this ‘network’ of magnate ‘investors’ have to do with our case?” a reader might ask …It has a lot to do with it! The initially “dirty” drug money, after laundering —and following a cycle of large “investments”— took form and ultimately ended up in major companies. These companies have now turned this American “disease” into a global “pandemic”! These companies now sustain drugs and wars as inevitable phenomena that plague and “bleed” humanity as a whole. Wars and drugs have now been imposed as inherent human weaknesses, even though they are NOT such! They have been imposed as such because it suits the criminals who exploit the planet!

The “flagships” of the global Zionist mafia are BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Berkshire Hathaway, and a few other smaller ones. They manage the “packages” of capital and services that were once acquired by the Jewish mafia with drug money …A real mafia, as NEVER before in human history have people of a specific ethnic identity possessed —at the expense of ALL humanity— such enormous wealth. They have literally privatized the Planet! …A gang of Jewish billionaires, who, with the laundered drug money, acquired ALL productive activities worldwide, ALL infrastructure networks globally, ALL agricultural lands worldwide, ALL urban complexes worldwide! Whatever holds value on this Planet was taken from the people and literally “swept” up by the usurers with the “dirty” money from drugs, gambling, prostitution, pornography, and other areas where Jewish criminals excel! …Wherever the “innocent” children of the “Holocaust” “martyrs” excel! …The children of those who left shoes, suitcases, and underwear in Auschwitz to establish their ONLY museum of their sad history.
These individuals manage to stay everywhere under the “nose” of regulatory mechanisms and the societies they exploit because they secure laws tailored to their own “needs” through corruption. By paying a massive “army” of lawyers and legal advisors, they conquer everything and threaten anyone who resists. Through a labyrinthine ownership structure, where one company owns another, and everything is safeguarded under a regime of anonymity —a characteristic of underworld gangs rather than legitimate businesses of a structured state— they manage to survive without issues. One hides behind another, and together they have purchased everything. One “borrows” executives from the other so that a common policy is perpetually followed with the absolute rigidity of “doctrine”, in an atmosphere of absolute “omertà”, where no information escapes beyond their offices.
These are the ones who, through the corruption of political leaderships, plunge states into debt and the “slaughterhouses” of Memorandums to loot them. They are the same ones who lend money to Ukraine with the “collateral” of its very state to buy weapons from their companies, such as Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, etc. This is not something we claim because we are conspiracy theorists. It has been stated in the U.S. Congress to persuade lawmakers to approve financial “aid” to Ukraine, as these funds will go directly to American industries, which are of Jewish ownership. The money for Zelensky’s Ukraine, a Jew, will not even leave the U.S.! …The “collaterals” of war will go to the “mother”-BlackRock, and the orders for the expensive weapons needed for this war will go to its “daughters” …“John serves, and John drinks” …The Ukrainians provide only the corpses.

Similarly, as we can easily observe —following a simple “thread”— the same occurs in healthcare. These same “giants” of drug dollars own United Healthcare, which controls major hospitals in the U.S., as well as American pharmaceutical companies. Under the same “umbrella” of BlackRock lies Pfizer, led by the Jew Bourla, who “poisoned” the world! The same “umbrella” also includes the supposed “competitors” of Pfizer, such as AstraZeneca or Moderna. The same criminals who are killing children in Gaza and Ukrainians are the ones leaving Americans to die helpless at home or on the streets because they cannot afford medical care. They are the same ones who, “out of selfless love” and of course with state funding, imposed global “vaccination”.
These beasts of greed and speculation have seized everything from humanity, even what was considered impossible to claim just a few decades ago. Humanity, over time, has gradually moved away from the scientific “heritage” of its ancestors! Even the seeds of the planet’s plants have become the property of the companies of this gang! The same has happened with medical and pharmaceutical know-how! Humanity has been stripped of its “share” of medical science cultivated by its ancestors. Its “share” of pharmacology, also developed by its ancestors, has been taken away. EVERYTHING has been privatized …They have become the property of specific individuals.
The world has been divided into “superiors” and “inferiors”. The majority of people live in a world of “inferiors” who merely “watch” what happens with the “superiors” but —unfortunately for them— cannot participate in any “distribution”. The “superiors”, who are the wealthy and powerful, enjoy everything that science and human civilization can offer, while the rest enjoy NOTHING AT ALL! Our fellow human beings die on the streets due to diseases and health problems that for the rich are routine matters. Common people “participate” only as “lab rats” for new drugs or as consumers of outdated ones that are stockpiled or deemed dangerous. On average, 45,000 American citizens die every year simply because they cannot access the healthcare system of the US-“superpower”.

These are crimes against humanity. With the backing of power —and guaranteed impunity— they literally do whatever they want without being accountable to anyone. Through the corruption of dirty money and the blackmail of deviant individuals, whom they themselves have placed for decades in the highest positions of power, they have seized everything …They seized the common, universal scientific knowledge accumulated over millennia and made it their private property! A SOCIAL GOOD, such as medicine, has been turned into a “product” that is used “extortionately” in society to amass wealth in the time available to them before replacing it with a newer and more profitable one. They arbitrarily appropriated the “fruits” of an entire science and a universal human effort spanning millennia to transform it into a PRIVATE “product” with the value of which they can blackmail the entire human species!
From the era of illustrious and brilliant scientists, who “enlightened” the world like small gods and “benefited” humanity with their achievements, we have moved to the dark multinational corporations, which literally function as mafia gangs! …Gangs that steal technology, assassinate scientists, corrupt state officials of regulatory agencies —to cover up the negative side effects of pharmaceutical products— and corrupt doctors —to promote useless products or poison populations with the overconsumption of prescribed drugs—. There is no depravity that these highly paid CEOs have not thought of, like Brian Thompson …Τhe “ingenious” CEO who made desperate patients fight for their right to life by disputing with the cold and soulless “A.I”. systems of his company …He didn’t even want to pay lying employees to support his company’s “line”.
Humanity already feels the suffocation of the “happiness” Schwab promised. It already feels the helplessness of owning NOTHING and controlling NOTHING. However, “every cloud has a silver lining”! It may have lost EVERYTHING, but it has gained the ability to see EVERYTHING! At last, it “sees” clearly those who have taken EVERYTHING! …It “sees” Schwab’s and Harari’s interlocutors …It “sees” the “martyrs” of the “Holocaust” who, “weeping pitifully”, took EVERYTHING! …It “sees” the cronies and co-ethnics of Buffett, Fink, and Bourla, amassing wealth in the nations that “host” them! For this reason, we have seen an “outburst” of rage on social media. The American people have found the opportunity to react. They “showed” in their own way that they REALLY “see” what is happening and who their REAL enemies are!
Thousands of citizens —especially young ones— regard the specific killer as a social hero and publicly declare their readiness to even cover for him if necessary. Some of them have even started placing “orders”. Some appeared on TikTok and asked the killer to add Fink to his priority list …Unprecedented situations that a few years ago no one could have even imagined! …“It smells like Revolution”, as astrologers would say, comparing our era to the French Revolution …Only now, the “Antoinette” rides a Ferrari, while the “Jean Valjeans” are still searching for simple bread. The three words of the French Revolution will be replaced by three new words! From “Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité”, we can easily move to “Deny, Defend, Depose”! However, society is “bone-dry”, and any “spark” can ignite a “firestorm” that no one will be able to control!
Now the reader can understand why the “deep state” of the U.S. fought —and will fight in the near future— not to release the files on Kennedy’s assassination to the public. It is now evident what is happening! The assassination of Kennedy is the “key” to the conspiracy that destroyed the U.S. healthcare system! …Kennedy’s assassination leads to the FBI and, from there —through drugs— straight to the Jewish usurers of Wall Street …From the FBI of the transvestite Hoover, who was blackmailed by the Jewish mafia to allow them to “flood” America with “golden” drugs, we go straight to the FBI of Garland, who blackmails everyone through Epstein’s and Puff Daddy’s lists! This gang “convinced” Nixon to hand them control of the healthcare sector to plunder it. Millions of people have suffered due to these choices of the “deep state” of Zionist criminals …Thousands of Americans die every year, either because of Kennedy’s assassination or because of a specific “favor” Nixon did for the usurers. This “deep state” lost the recent elections in the U.S. and is now anxious about the policies Trump will follow. This para-state was “TERRIFIED” by the bullets fired in Manhattan!
How does this new reality affect us Greeks? …It affects us greatly! …Everything affects us in our “small” global “village”. Just as storms or fires do not “recognize” borders and do not stop at customs barriers, so it happens with social “explosions” in a society that is now unified. After all, it hasn’t been long since their Biden “scolded” and “threatened” us if we didn’t lock ourselves in our homes …It hasn’t been long since their pharmaceutical companies confined us to our homes and forced us to inform the authorities about our daily movements.
The problems of Americans do not differ from those of Greeks. In Greece, too, pension funds were looted because of the “lenders”, whom we all now know who they are and where they got the money for the extortive and mandatory over-borrowing they imposed on us. They looted the U.S. with drug dollars and used the same to place Greece under Memorandums. As we write this text, a “wave” of privatizations is sweeping the foundations of the National Health System—a system Greeks were proud of. Today, all that has changed. Real healthcare services are now offered only by private hospitals, while public hospitals are continuously downgraded due to political decisions that understaff them and fail to fund their operations.
In this “give-and-take” between private profit-driven hospitals and wealthy patients, the poor cannot participate, and this worsens day by day. Ordinary citizens lack the financial means to pay for private healthcare services, and even the poor services of public hospitals are increasingly not offered for free. Their goal is to price these services and charge citizens for them. The out-of-pocket costs for medicines, even for the supposedly “insured”, keep rising. If someone doesn’t have the required money, they literally die helpless! The life expectancy of Greeks is falling simply because retirees cannot afford to “defend” their lives with the help of medicines.
Healthcare, which is the “mirror” of a society’s progress and culture, has become a privilege only for the wealthy. The poor share boxes of Panadol among themselves. Cheap analgesic drugs have become the “rug” under which serious illnesses are “hidden” …Thousands of our fellow citizens, due to financial inability to seek treatment, simply “push” the problem as far “away” as they can because that is the only thing they can afford cheaply …They live in “extension” until it can no longer be sustained. Citizens now must decide whether to spend the little money they have on food or on medicine …They must decide whether to survive immediately by “mortgaging” their long-term survival.
Meanwhile, as the Greek people live in utter poverty, some live their “dream” and can’t stop filling their bank accounts. The daughter of Greece’s Prime Minister —an “elite” of the WEF and the Bilderberg Club— was hired without qualifications for a high position at a multinational company that “sweeps” the healthcare and food sectors, pressuring for the privatization of public hospitals …This is CVC Capital Partners, which is a small BlackRock in Greece …The same BlackRock, if one considers the “interconnections” with the Jewish Citibank owned by BlackRock. This company exploited the Memorandum imposed on us by the Jewish mafia under “Ukraine” terms and is now leading the “plundering”. To make this “plundering” even easier, they placed the completely unqualified and uneducated daughter of Mitsotakis in a high position—a position requiring, apparently, only the Prime Minister’s phone number! …and, who is more “qualified” for this than his own daughter? …So “uniquely deserving” that no one should ever dare to speak again about nepotism and lack of merit!

This “fair” Prime Minister —among other things— due to obvious family obligations, also had to serve his daughter’s employers and family benefactors …This is the Prime Minister who —by “coincidence”— has the Jew Greenberg as his secret advisor! For this reason, he placed the most unsuitable person as Minister of Health, a politician accused of a pharmaceutical scandal but simply “exonerated” because the corrupt system filed his “case” away. This person, who is now orchestrating the privatization of major hospitals, is the same individual who, in a previous involvement with public healthcare, imposed overpriced drugs from specific multinationals …He is someone who has proven to hold bank accounts with “unexplained” funds. His entire political career is based on being ruthless and acting as a “pioneer” for political initiatives other politicians are too hesitant to undertake
We can thus understand that the global “village” is indeed very small! The shooting in Manhattan undoubtedly “echoed” all the way to the affluent suburbs of Athens, frightening many. If one considers that for thousands of poor Greeks, the NHS is their last “refuge” for survival, it’s clear they are waiting for the moment to express their anger against those dismantling it just to get richer. The resounding “drop” of death that fell in New York will certainly not be the only one. If a “storm” erupts in the U.S., it will leave nothing untouched in its wake! Many —around the world— will now have to start looking over their shoulders. Things are changing rapidly. If Guy Fawkes’ “smiling” mask symbolized resistance to authority for our generation, it may be replaced in the future by the closed hood of the New York shooter. The first “drops” have fallen with a bang on the “parched ground”, heralding a storm unlike anything humanity has ever seen! …The “best” is yet to come!
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